Light everyone!
You are amazing! Every bit of sharing helps us a tremendous amount, and we are thankful for your support!
The moment of reaching the main funding goal for our Aquanox Kickstarter is closer and closer! So it’s the time to prepare yourselves for Stretch Goal voting!
We have just opened an exclusive Aquanox Dark Descent Backer Forum as well. It will be used mainly for voting on the Stretch Goals, however the Aquanox Forums themselves are open to everyone to share their thoughts.
In the meantime, we invite you to visit our YouTube channel, where you find videos explaining each of the stretch goals (apart from the console versions, which are rather self-explanatory).

SG-A – Stretch Goal: Science Vessel
If you would like to have the chance to exit your large main ship and explore around in a smaller, more versatile, non combat utility vehicle or just experience a different perspective, then this stretch goal is for you!
SG-D – Stretch Goal: Modding
A lot of us from the Aquanox Team come from a modding background. We would like to make modding of our game possible and with this stretch goal, we will be able to prepare it for the onslaught of mods in every aspect, including story/quest mods, new world segments, ships and more!
SG-E – Stretch Goal: Reckoning System
In this stretch goal, we will improve the game AI to be a lot smarter, punishing you for being nasty. It WILL hunt you down! Do you want an extra challenge with the AI? Then this stretch goal is certainly something that will be interesting for you!
SG-F – Stretch Goal: Additional Zone
The World of Aqua will be a pseudo open world with a variety of different zones, each with its plethora of quests and things to do. This stretch goal will provide us the resources to add an additional, bonus one to the game!
SG-G – Stretch Goal: Multiplayer Pack
A new multiplayer gamemode inspired by the Aeon Strife maps from back in the day (which inspired some of the hits like Dota or League of Legends), but will all the Aquanox elements such is the resource struggle and pumping ship combat!
SG-H and SG-J – Stretch Goals: VR and Extended OST
We will look into a couple of VR devices (such as Oculus), and provide support for them in Aquanox. Additionally, we will add some additional music from various artists.
SG-I – Stretch Goal: Walkable Stations
Aquanox Deep Descent is mainly about deep sea adventures, and not so much about what happens on the station. However, with this stretch goal we will be able to expand on this and add some exploration aspect to the bases as well!
SG-K – Stretch Goal: Your own hideout
Your Home in the world of Aqua. A place to hide, a place to retire to, a place to rest and more.
SG-L – Stretch Goal: Matchmaking
A matchmaking extension to our multiplayer component along with rankings, stats and more. A big competitive addition to the game.
And if you want to participate in voting and you haven’t backed our project yet, just pledge 10$ or more to join our exclusive backers forum.
This way not only do you enable us to make a bigger game, but you help us shape it in the earliest possible stage. Out of all the extra features we’ve thought of, you can tell us, which are most important to you. Of course the earlier you back, the more times you can vote.
Support us now on Kickstarter!
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