Underwater Mines - Aquanox Deep Descent


Underwater Mines

Greetings to our fellow Aquanauts! In today’s post  we will share you the current state and ideas of how underwater mines will work in Aquanox: Deep Descent.

As we are still in early development phase, most things are not carved in stone.  At the moment, we have a variety of concepts for mines. One of them is to have two general types: Those that were planted long before humanity found shelter in the deeps, and those planted in the present.

The first group is considered as rare and non-existent. Although from time to time if unlucky enough, you will still be able to discover some of these scattered throughout the world. Most of them are burnt-out but be wary of those still operational, they pack quite a punch! The second group, the mines of the present as we call it, poses a far more serious threat. Being present in a much higher number, equipped with advanced technologies, these little fellows can cripple your ship really hard if you are not careful enough.


Mines placed by NPC’s such as pirates and bounty hunters are most commonly used to guard cave entrances, treasures, shipwrecks or some valuable collectable resources. Getting sandwiched in narrow spaces between a stack of mines on one side, and a pack of pirates on the other will surely be the end of your cruise.

Placing mines in narrow caves, or around yourself while collecting minerals can be a very good way of securing the area and your own safety. Although if not careful enough on your way back, you can easily become the victim of your own traps. The general idea is that mines have  defensive/protective purposes, but we are looking into making the mine (ab)usage and combat more versatile by adding some offensive options as well.


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